Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 10:57:53 -0500
From: Traci Philips
Subject: Upcoming talk on Claiming Your Authentic Life
Wellness of Chatham will be hosting its next meeting on Wednesday, November 20th from 6:30 – 8pm at The Joyful Jewel, 44-A Hillsborough Street, Pittsboro. Our speaker will be Suz Robinson, and she will be presenting the talk, Moving Beyond Fear Into Our Authentic Hearts.
In this heart-centered talk, Suz will discuss the fact there are many kinds of fears that can occur in oneÂ’’s lifetime, and that these fears can mask our authentic heart. The secret is in sitting with all fears whenever they arise and learning to let them go. While the same fears may reoccur, each occurrence is easier than the previous time, with additional insights learned when weÂ’re willing to sit still, observe our fears, accept them and move on. One of the key considerations being discussed will be the practice of learning to build awareness. Suz Robinson is an ordained inter-spiritual minister and a woman who loves life and lives each day to the fullest.
Living in her own Heart Space has been a recent transformation for Suz that began about 2 years ago. As she describes, since learning how to make choices, and perform actions from this space, she has never been healthier or happier. She believes that the reason each and every one of us is here is to step into our own, authentic POWER and become awakened to our love potential that allows us to co-create healing around and within us.
As always, Wellness of Chatham talks are free and open to the public, so please share this opportunity with others and hope to see you at this event!
For more information about this and future Wellness of Chatham events, please contact Traci Philips at