Saturday at the Bynum General Store — Fall workday!

Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 10:47:41 -0500
From: Bynum FrontPorch
Subject: Saturday at the Bynum General Store — Fall workday!

Dear friends of Bynum Front Porch,

This Saturday, November 16, 10am to 1pm  is our next workday at the Bynum General Store.  Our goals are general Fall cleaning in the store, painting, mowing and trimming outside, and clearing and planting around the parking area.  It’s gonna be fun!

So, there’s something for everyone to do – indoors, outside, any skill level.  Be sure to mark it on the calendar.  Even if you can’t help out on the 16th, you can show your support by donating snacks and drinks for the volunteers.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

For more information, email Bynum Front Porch at