Tales of Old Hyway 64: Looking Up . .

Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 15:07:41 -0500
From: “N.A. Booko”
Subject: Tales of Old Hyway 64: Looking Up . .

I live on a section of old hyway 64 – Built in 1921 and abandoned 1942. Portions of it is still intact, winding in and out of properties between Pittsboro and Siler City.

Today was my annual sprawl on my back and look up day.  It always has to be a perfect day to make the perfect event.  My portion of old hyway 64 is completely covered with just fallen autumn leaves. Still pretty and crisp- the gold, the garnet, the yellow and all in between.

What I do, is lay down, completely flat, on my back and look up- That is really all it takes to make the magic begin. It is almost like a huge kaleidoscope. Large and small, tulip trees, maple, oak, cedar, elm and the like. The dark colored trunks frame the picture, and from my perspective, the branches still bedecked with sparking colors, seem to lean over and meet at the center of my view.  The slight breeze causes them to intermingle and send a glittery sprinkle of color toward the ground.  Be not deceived- the colors you saw against that turquoise sky a moment ago, are not the same you see when you blink your eyes.  Ever swaying, every changing.  It can’t be compared to a 3-D movies.  It is what 3-D movies would like to be. Just be able to witness this unfathomable show is priceless, deserves to be stored in your memory bank- even tho, when repeated in your mind, it is never as breathtaking….

The hardness of the asphalt is unforgiving.  Laying down, looking and enjoying is one thing, but that getting up is a real pain in the  . . .

Well, a pain in the autumn . .

N.A. Booko

P.S. Only one bird had perfect aim, no creepy crawlies were harmed and  three cats were definitely not amused . . .