Three Cats and a big problem . .

Date: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 16:25:01 -0500
From: “N.A. Booko”
Subject: Three Cats and a big problem . .

Oct. 14th, I attended a celebration of friend’s wedding anniversity.   A person I know, whom I see maybe three times a year, kept saying “what have you been doing to yourself?:” you look fantastic.”

Yesterday, I received photos taken at that event.  I was absolutely horrified. A picture showing me- thinning hair, drawn facial features, haggard and definately a memember of the “over the hill club”-  it sent me on a downward spiral- No matter how I  tried to re-arrange my hair, it was still obvious.   Hair transplant?  Botox? Different hair style? Avoid seeing people, shop at night? No logical answers.

It only took three glasses of wine to put things into perspective.  I am old. I am getting older.  Not middle age, but old. My real problem is, that I have three cats. I think the world of them. i could not bear having something happen to them should I not be around to take care of them. My greatest fear is passing on at a time the cats would be locked up in the same house with me, and it could be days or weeks before anyone would know.
