Not sure what the problem is

Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 22:21:54 +0000
From: Tom West
Subject: not sure what the problem is

Anne Kachergis wrote –

“someone who lived on River Road, who lived directly across from Perry Harrison School, used to target practice with a gun. I understand he always shot away from the school”

So what exactly is the problem Anne? I would hope that you wouldn’t want them to shoot towards the school, would you?

She say, “how many people can quickly discern the direction bullets are traveling when they hear gun shots?”

How does this affect the safety of school children? Aren’t aware of bullets that are available to the general public that can make u-turns, are you?

You do realize that gun safety used to be taught on school grounds? I think we may have a former instructor or two on this chatlist.

“On my driveway, in densely populated northern Chatham County, there are two hunting blinds less than thirty yards from where my family and I travel at least twice a day.”

What is your definition of “densely populated?”

Took at look at a Google Map view of Stonewall Road, NC and I just don’t see it. Looks like a lot of trees to me.,+NC+27312-5861&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x89acc724311b7297:0x72c60b881ec6e6e1,575+Stone+Wall+Rd,+Pittsboro,+NC+27312&gl=us&ei=-9VyUtrrO-qi4APv9IG4Cg&ved=0CCsQ8gEwAA

(And please spare me the I’m making a veiled threat narrative. I just wanted to see what your definition of “densely populated” was. Guess it’s not the same as most other people’s definition.)

Are the people in the blinds shooting at you and your family? Have they ever shot at you and your family.

How quickly do you pass those blinds twice a day?

“We hear shooters out on any given day shooting hundreds of shots over the course of an hour, within a half mile of our house.”

I though you had problems determining where gunfire was coming from.

“As our county becomes more populated, we need to adapt to change in careful and thoughtful ways.”

Doesn’t really sound like you are doing much adapting, does it? Haven’t the shooters been careful? Have they caused you any harm?

Have you discussed your concerns with your neighbors or are you too busy speeding by their hunting blinds to stop and talk?

Bet it’s just easier to push for more government rules, isn’t it?

I’m being very serious when I suggest that you and other anti-gun sealots take the gun-safety course that is MANDATORY for anyone who wishes to get a hunting licesnce in North Carolina. You might learn something that will dispel some of the fears and myths you hold as true.

You know; you might be just the right sort of candidate to live down in Chatham Park. They will definitely be more densely populated than where you are now.

Check with Karl’s friends at PittsboroMatters.