I have no association with the Chatham Coalition

Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 10:09:37 -0400
From: “Leda Hartman”
Subject: jim goodnight vs. jeff starkweather

I am still in the process of forming my opinion on Chatham Park and generally steer clear of local politics.

But I didn’t like seeing one of my Chatham neighbors, Tom West, call another set of my neighbors, the Chatham Coalition, a hate group. That kind of talk just seems aimed at manipulating and dividing us, rather than helping us
create the kind of mutual respect and common purpose we need if we’re to arrive at a decision that most of us can live with. The reality is that we’re all in this together, just by virtue of the fact that we all live here.

I have no association with the Chatham Coalition, but I bet they wouldn’t like to be thought of as haters any more than Tom would.

There is a lot of kindness in this county. Let’s not lose it.

Leda Hartman