Chatham County’s Finest – Not available . .

Date: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 16:49:59 -0400
From: “N.A. Booko”
Subject: Chatham County’s Finest- Not available  . .

I have always had a lot of respect for Chatham County’s law officers.  They always seem to well groomed, well mannered and efficient in their jobs. And in every election, my vote helped put their boss in office. Seldom do I have any contact with any of them, except last year when I got a speeding ticket on Thompson St.

Today, I was in a grocery store, and noticed a Chatham County law enforcement office pull into the parking lot. He came in the store and was near me in the produce department.  It popped into my head that I needed to know something that would enlighten me, as to whether something was lawful or unlawful. I approached him and said “May I ask you a question?” He looked me right in the eye and without any expression replied “No, sorry, I am on my lunch hour.” I was stunned and walked away- Several people were nearby and seem to think it was all very funny.  I was embarrased and made sure I did not have to see or meet him in one of the isles later on.

If it was a joke, it was certainly in poor taste.  If it is true, we can’t talk to them on break, they should wear a little sign saying “Out to Lunch”

N.A. Booko