Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 05:35:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: Holly Rickman
Subject: Neuroscientist coming soon…….
I am working to put together a list of all interested parents who have a child with different abilities that is interested in a wonderful therapy called Transcranial direct stimulation that can take their child to the next level. It is noninvasive, affordable, and life changing. It creates neuroplasticity in the brain by encouraging healthy neurons to take on the job of the nonfunctioning neurons thus rerouting and returning healthy function to the brain. He is also working on getting an ambulatory brain mapping machine that will be able to show you in office what neuropathways were helped. We are now getting many positive messages about our daughters growth in OT, language, and visual improvements. It doesn’t just help language. We had nothing to lose when we started but are so grateful for this man and his work. He is also teaches you how to continue work with your child and is available all the time through email. And WANTS you to contact him.
My daughter is challenged with mild Autism, Mild Cortical Visual Impairment (now), and Epilepsy. We were frustrated doing all the conventional things trying to take her language to the next level. I was frustrated trying to get others to see her potential when I knew more was in there. So we drove over to Concord to hear Dr. Harry Schneider speak. He was brought to this area by Neurologist Jean Renal Corbier who is out of the Charlotte area. He is an MD with a PHD in linguistics. He has been a part of many research studies with kids with Autism and dealing with the brain and language. Typically his offices were NY, Brazil, and Indianna. He now has an office in China Grove. However, I am working since he is already licensed in the state of NC to bring him here a few days as well. We are still looking for that local and continuing all the time to add families names to the list.
Last week he presented in Carrboro to some interested families as well. We will of course continue to see him in his China Grove location for 3 days out his week and 1/2 there b/c either way we know where our money needs to be spent but would love to bring him to your family and closer to ours.
I do not throw my name behind anything lightly and I cannot encourage you enough to check into this.
If anyone would like to see his power point, ask me any questions and/or be on the list of interested families contact me at
Holly Rickman
Project Proud Families, Inc/ Director of Services