From: Gene
Subject: Marisa Labanca threatens the Chatham Chatlist with a law suit
I received the following email from Marisa Labanca yesterday –
Date: Thursday, October 03, 2013 12:46 PM
Subject: slander, cyber bullying, etc.
Dear Gene
According to the Chatham Chatlist guidelines, several of them have been continuously ignored and I have been informed that you have been made aware of them but ignored the complaints as well. Why is that?
These are parts of the guidelines:
All writers agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, libelous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Libel includes any false “factual” assertion, as opposed to your opinion, that would damage the reputation or community standing of a person or business. Avoid spreading rumors or making factual assertions without having made an attempt to verify those facts.
The complaints are that Chatham Chatlist has been informed on several occasions about false information posted by your members in regards to the proposed anti-tethering ordinance. This ordinance is proposed by the County ACO and not by Dogs Off Chains. Dogs Off Chains has been continuously been made the scapegoat for the county’s issues and this is slander. I will be consulting with an attorney as you as a moderator should not be supporting this behavior (cyber-bullying the least) when you know it has been happening for weeks. Encouraging members to post other members’ personal information (even if it is public information) has nothing to do with the issues that are supposed to be discussed on this blog. This is used specifically to harass and intimidate other members.
I look forward hearing from you. I have messaged you only today about these issues but to several email addresses as I am not sure which one is the correct one.
Thank you.
My response –
Date: Thursday, October 03, 2013 11:40 PM
Subject: If you’re thinking about threatening me with a lawsuit.
Marisa –
Are you the legal spokesperson for Dogs Off Chains?
Are you the legal spokesperson for CARE?
I need specific links in order to consider your request. I am one person doing this and cannot spend time viewing every post in order to find your complaint.
If you’re thinking about threatening me with a lawsuit.
Having gone through this several times, I decided a several years ago that I don’t have the time to deal with this kind of cr*p and would rather just have my attorney handle it.
Therefore, ANYONE who has an itch to threaten me with a lawsuit can have your attorney draw up the formal complaint and send it to me at
Chatham Bulletin Board
PO Box 520
Pittsboro, NC 27312
I will have my attorney review your lawsuit threat and I will act according to my attorney’s advice. I reserve the right to make ALL lawsuit threats public regardless of what kind of disclaimers you may add to the bottom of your email.
I will publish your spurious legal threat along with copious mockery, so that it becomes highly ranked in search engines where other people you threaten can find it and take heart.
Marisa Labanca’s response this morning –
Date: Friday, October 04, 2013 6:51 AM
Subject: If you’re thinking about threatening me with a lawsuit.
Dear Gene
Thanks for your response.
I contacted you as a resident of Chatham County. I am not a legal spokes person except for myself. I have read what was published on the Chatham Chatlist. I am concerned about the continuous slander that has been happening on the Chatham chatlist and the moderator having been contacted several times about it (I have been told) and not even responding to any of the messages. I never mentioned CARE. Please do not insinuate and drag organizations into this conversation.
I understand that this is (chatham chatlist) a lot to take care of and that you can’t follow each discussion. This is not about a one-time incident as I understand. People have contacted you letting you know that members of the Chatham chatlist are slandering others and getting away with it.
Please do not try to intimidate me by enlarging the font and bolding it. It does not work. I stated what my right was especially with consulting your own guidelines.
Please when sharing our emails with the public which is very much welcomed with me, don’t omit anything including your response. Including your last sentence of vindictive or threatening comment/behavior (search engines finding me easily). People need to see the entire conversation, that’s all. There’s two sides to each story.
Thank you for your time writing back to me.
My final response –
Date: Friday, October 04, 2013 7:24 AM
Subject: If you’re thinking about threatening me with a lawsuit.
Be honest with yourself. Who is trying to intimidate who? I have never met nor heard of you until YOU threatened me.
Because you lack any specific allegations and continue to toss legal jargon around I assume your intention remains to intimidate and not to inform. In that spirit I will not respond unless you send, by US Mail and in writing, specific links, quotes and documentation to demonstrate the statements are false. I will then post those to the chatlist. I will not remove the offending posts unless your evidence is unequivocally clear and concise and your accusation well defined.