Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2013 16:58:23 -0400
Subject: 4 not 6 !!!
Na booko I have been hit 4 times by lightning ,, not 6 , I’m trying to avoid breaking Roy’s record although I hold the record in the southeast US so far I am told .
I have been zapped by
1200 AC volts 3 phase
440 AC volts 3 phase
220 AC single and 3 phase
110 AC to many times to count
80,000 volts DC from a Jet engine ignition system
65,000 volts DC from automotive ignition systems several times .
When I was asked to do the Discovery Channels ( More Than Human ) episode 9 2003 , it was estimated I have had 2.5 million volts go through and over my body so far . Dr Math did the odds of surviving 4 lightning strikes compared to winning the Powerball at 31.5 trillion to one in my favor I would win the lottery before I am hit by lightning a 5th time . I haven’t seen that money yet .
I totaled 4 vehicles , two 1985 Ford Rangers , 1972 GTO , 1970 Pontiac Lemans , and was in a 1976 Chevrolet my mother rolled on its side during an ice storm .
I had a 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 , turquoise blue , 2 dr , fall on my chest , Randy Todd had to jack the car , brace it and pull me out before I suffocated .
NC State fair ,, lady bumped me into the path of a tram that hit me .
I fell from a rack at JT davenports while putting a light in a ceiling fixture to be saved by a pallet of dried pintos .
I broke both ankles , and my right collar bone , compressed two lower disc , suffered a number of cuts and minor head injuries on top of having several cases of pneumonia .
I suffer from chronic fatigue , migraines and chronic back pain .
In the past three months I have had kidney stone , stomach virus , sinusitis , and zapped by 220 volts ,, again .
I survived all that to raise 3 kids by myself ,, that was the hardest thing I ever went through but my kids bring me so much joy I would go through all the bad stuff above again just to have them I am so very proud of my kids . They have been the best medicine I could have
I refuse to give up or give in . I hurt every day but as long as I can keep going I’m going to for my kids , and my sweet Beth .
Goodnite Mark