Some good deeds, locally done, by employees of two different Cruizers

Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 05:40:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: Hope Crossing Animal Hospital
Subject: Good Deeds, locally done!

Howdy, Neighbors!
I just wanted to share some good deeds, locally done, by coincidentally enough, employees at Cruizers.
On Tuesday, I got a call from one of my co-workers that she was going to be late.  She had to go file a police report, as someone had broken into her car, and stolen her debit card!  Lucky for her, she is a member at SECU, they noticed something fishy, and put a stop on it, almost immediately.   She did, however, lament to me that they had taken the collection of drink cards (the punch cards given by the c-stores to buy x amount and get the last one free).  We joked that they were almost more valuable than the debit card!

On my way in, I stopped at the Powell Place Cruizers.  I told Mark and Kim the story, and they immediately EACH punched out a card, and told me to tell her good luck, this one is on them, and they would be on the lookout for the stolen cards!  It by no means makes it ok to have been burglarized, but it went a long, LONG way to making her feel better.  PS- The police actually caught the guy, with her debit card ON his person.  Chalk one up to the good guys!
Later that same day, Sandy from the Andrew’s Store Rd. Cruizers came racing up to the animal hospital.  In her back seat she had a dog she had seen hit by a car!  She had taken it to the closest vet, but they were unable to help, so she then took the time to come to us.  She took her time, and put this poor thing (bleeding) in her car.  Then drove it around until she could find help.  Not her dog, no idea who owned it.  Just a kind act.

Sadly, the little dog had too much trauma, and passed.  But, thanks to Sandy, we were able to locate the owners, and at least they had closure.
So, in case you were looking for good Samaritans, or a feeling of community, you can find it at Cruizers!  Look at that!  They DO have everything you need!
Just thought I would start our Labor Day weekend off, by celebrating some special people.  Thank you, so much!


Hope Crossing Animal Hospital
58 East Cotton Rd   Pittsboro
Intersection of E. Cotton Rd and Hamlet Chapel Rd at 15-501, between Allen & Sons BBQ and Fearrington Village.