Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 02:29:21 +0000 From: “Moose, Ruth M” Subject: idea If Chapel Hill can have Roses and Raspberries to salute and/or recognize otherwise, how about Pittsboro Having Daisies and Nettles.   I’d like to give our Pittsboro Post Offrice Personnel a dozen Daisies.  Great smiles, friendly efficient people.  Continue Reading

Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 20:49:04 -0400 From: “Chatham Chamber of Commerce” Subject: Ribbon Cutting/Open House – Piedmont Health SeniorCare The public is invited to attend a Ribbon Cutting Celebration for Piedmont Health SeniorCare, located at 163 Chatham Business Drive, Pittsboro.  This event will take place on August 5 atContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 11:11:10 -0400 From: Gretchen Niver Subject: Stolen mail When this month’s credit card bill didn’t show up in my mailbox on its usually day, I was worried.  It never did show up until I had the card company send me another.  I believe it wasContinue Reading