Free Reflexology Workshop on May 29th from 9 – 10:30 am at Carolina Brewery

From: Traci Philips
Sent: Sun, May 19, 2013 11:17:06 PM
Subject: Free Reflexology Workshop on May 29th

Wellness of Chatham will be hosting their next meeting Wednesday, May 29th from 9 – 10:30am at Carolina Brewery, 120 Lowes Drive, Suite 100 in Pittsboro.  Our speaker will be Claire Marie Miller, and she will be discussing Foot Reflexology: a healing art that helps to reclaim and open our feet again in a way that reminds us of what it was like to be a barefoot child. 

Come find out how to effect health changes in your body through your feet & learn about the origins of the 4-theory approach developed by Claire.  The workshop will include a general overview of the fascial connection to the feet, the meridians as the ancient beginnings of reflexology, the commonly used zone therapy and the nerve and lymphatic connection in the feet.  Remedies for sinus congestion, back aches and digestive challenges will also be covered in this introduction.  Participants will leave with their own foot reference card. 

Claire has created her own brand and vision of reflexology and has trained over 10,000 people nationally and internationally in this ancient healing art.  Find out what she can teach you about your body and how to support it through your feet! 

All Wellness of Chatham meetings are free and open to the public.  For more information, please contact Traci Philips at and visit us on Facebook at