Pittsboro mayor Randy Voller apologizes for you being offended by his rape comment

Date: Sat, 4 May 2013 08:23:29 -0400
From: Gene
Subject: Randy Voller apologies for you being offended by his rape comment

WRAL story and video about Pittsboro mayor Randy Voller apologizing for you being offended by his rape comment at

Voller spoke to the Democratic Women of Guilford County Thursday night at their annual President’s Spring Banquet.

Someone from the Guilford County Democratic Party was live-tweeting the event.

One tweet quoted Voller as saying,”The GOP that’s leading us — we don’t know where they’re taking us, but they’re raping us along the way.”

The tweet was quickly deleted.

Attendees at the event say the quote is correct. Some were reportedly offended by the comment.

In an interview with WRAL Friday, Voller said he could neither confirm nor deny it because he wasn’t speaking from prepared remarks.

“I think it’s a complete misquote, or a redaction,” he said, then added, “I did use the term contextually.”

Here’s the tweet from Guilford County Dems quoting NC Dem Chairman Randy Voller at a Thursday night speech. The tweet was deleted.

Voller said he didn’t ask for the tweet to be deleted, and he has “no clue” who might have done so.

From the Greensboro News & Record at http://www.news-record.com/home/1167556-63/voller-gop-is-raping-nc

Voller said he made the remark off the cuff, like the rest of his speech, and he declined to comment on whether it was appropriate. I [Travis Fain] mentioned that, given crime statistics and the likelihood that many rapes go unreported, there was a good chance that a woman in the room last night had herself been raped.

“I don’t know that,” he replied. “Women and men are both victims of abusive power and violence. I personally could have been raped.”