Grateful for the efforts to make Chatham County courthouse a reconstruction of history

Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2013 09:05:58 -0400 (EDT)
From: deloispopp
Subject: Court House

Those of use who have witnessed the evolving reconstruction our beautiful court house are grateful for the efforts to make it a reconstruction of history…

As an “original” resident of Pittsboro, it has always been the center of activities.  I remember all the high school parades where we all rode floats around the court house and through main street.   Anyone who was/is not familiar with those days can capture some of the by the photographs that are now part of the decor of some of the business establishments around town — I believe a lot of those can be to the thanks of my cousin,  who has done a great deal of research and duplicated/enlarged many of those pictures.  He can probably tell you the names of most of the people in those pictures… these pictures pass some of our history on to those who are new to our town and area. 

(I do remember an occasion when some of us as teenagers formed a driving circle around the court house, prohibiting traffic from entering the circle and backing traffic up several blocks in each direction…. When law enforcement got wind of this we all scrambled in different directions… We escaped this episode without any serious ramifications.)

Does anyone know if there are plans to enhance the landscaping of the grounds?  I understand there was a great “rush” to get everything done for the opening on Saturday.  I wonder if this was a temporary fix, or permanent.  The sod looks beautiful — hope there is a sprinkler system or I look for it to be all dead and gone by fall. 

I was initially personally disappointed when I saw the sod was being placed to the foundation of the building… does that mean we are not to expect any foundation plants (as it was years before the fire), or there just wasn’t time to get them in; or are they waiting untill the fall to install them.  The lack of plants around the building has long been absent, and would greatly  soften the foundation and enhance first impressions of this magnificent building as one drives into town.  Being obsessed with landscaping, it has been a question in my mind for several years as to why there were never been any foundation plants.