Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2013 20:27:24 -0400
From: Penny Jeffrey
Subject: Pig Pals of NC has landed in Chatham County
Pig Pals of NC, a 501c3 organization, has finally landed in Chatham County (9 miles west of Pittsboro).
We have an aged herd of 23 miniature pigs at the Chatham County location and will not be taking any more pigs into our care.
Instead, our focus is on caring for our current herds and educational outreach . Our sanctuary greeter, Elliott pig, has experience visiting schools, colleges, universities, retirement facilities, and birthday parties.We are VERY excited to be here and welcome volunteers to help with daily chores of feeding, socializing, scooping pig berries, etc.. The sanctuary will be open visitors by appointment in mid-May. For more information, please visit our website at and send us an email at
Many thanks!
Penny S. Jeffrey, Ph.D. Founder and Executive Director