Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2013 08:15:46 -0400
From: “kaycee
Subject: PTA Thrift Shop 30th celebration
The PTA Thrift Shop will be celebrating their 30th Anniversary the whole month of April. There will be daily specials and each Saturday from 10am-2pm there will be entertainment and drawings for prizes.
There will be balloons for the kids at different stores starting with the Siler City store April 6, Pittsboro April 13 and Cole Park April 20. Please plan to come out and support the PTA Thrift Shops in this wonderful celebration.
Now let me ask—if you have a talent like singing, playing an instrument, story telling ect. and would like to volunteer during the 10-2 celebration time on any of the Saturdays in April, please contact Margaret Smith or your school PTA Thrift Shop representative (each school has one) for details. You can earn volunteer hours for your school for doing this. Volunteers will also be needed throughout the stores to help with different things. Again, you will earn volunteer time for this.
This celebration will be happening in each of the 3 PTA Thrift Shops in Chatham County, Siler City, Pittsboro and Cole Park. All three stores will need volunteers.
The profits from the PTA Thrift Shops are given to the Chatham County Public Schools PTA’s to be used for things like supplies, fieldtrips and educational materials, on and on. The PTA Thrift Shops have paid staff, but they could not operate and do all that they do without the help of the many volunteers. And this 30th Celebration will need volunteers to help make it a success. So please contact Margaret at the address above or your school rep and ask what you can do to help.
And most of all—remember to donate and shop the PTA Thrift Shops in Chatham County. The money stays right here for our Chatham County Public Schools.. There are PTA Thrift Shop drop boxes located at each school for donations and in the Siler City area they are placed at the Senior Center, Wal-Mart and Maxway Shopping Centers. Pittsboro and Siler City have boxes located in front of their stores. So get busy and clean out your closets and donate. And don’t forget to shop. There are wonderful items put out daily, new and used items to choose from.
Kathy Cockman-A volunteer