Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 08:53:49 -0400
From: Debra Henzey
Subject: Grand Trees of Chatham Sponsors Winter Tree Identification Hike on March 16
Grand Trees of Chatham Sponsors Winter Tree Identification Hike on March 16
SILER CITY–The Grand Trees of Chatham will have a Winter Tree Identification Hike this Saturday, March 16 in Siler City at 2 pm. Jordan Matthews High School science teacher Phil Cox will lead this walk, which will look at ways to identify trees before they burst into spring glory.
The walk will last about one hour. Meet at the cul-de-sac at the end of Technology Way, which is just past Chatham Hospital heading south on Progress Blvd. Wear comfortable walking shoes and bring your own beverages.
If planning to attend, send an e-mail to<>
Debra J. Henzey
Director of Community Relations
Chatham County, NC
Office 919-542-8258 Cell 919-548-4662
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