Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 11:33:46 -0500
From: Catherine Deininger
Subject: Volunteers needed in Pittsboro on Nov 17th to work on stream buffer
Please join Karen Hall and Catherine Deininger, co-coordinators of the Robeson Creek Watershed Council, for another Work Day at Tannery Branch in Pittsboro on Saturday, November 17th.
In 2006, NCSU Water Quality Group restored Tannery Branch, a tributary to Robeson Creek, to its original floodplain allowing it to naturally meander through the properties across from St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church.
What: Weeding out invasive plants along Tannery Branch in Pittsboro
Where: 159 W. Salisbury Street, Pittsboro. Parking is available along
Salisbury or Rectory Streets.
When: 9 am to 12 pm on Saturday, November 17th.
Volunteers need only to bring gloves and lots of energy.
Let me know by email at or by leaving a message at (919) 322-8494 if you plan to help out. Please help spread the word about this volunteer opportunity.
~ catherine
Catherine Deininger
Co Coordinator of the RCWC