News & Observer will publish and charge subscribers extra for an ACC basketball preview section on Friday, Nov. 2

Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 09:32:19 -0400
From: P & S Cabe
Subject: News & Observer extra charge

If you are a News & Observer subscriber, you may not have noticed the small “Notice to Readers” on page 2A of the Friday, October 26, 2012 edition.

It announces that the N & O will publish an ACC basketball preview section on Friday, Nov. 2. Quoting: “All subscribers who receive a paper on Fridays will charged an extra dollar for this special section.”

Now you may or may not care about this basketball special section. If you do, you may or may not care about getting at an extra charge.

Quoting again: “To opt out of receiving this special section, please send an e-mail to by October 29, 2012 with ‘ACC opt out’ as the subject. Please include your name and address [presumably your delivery address] in the e-mail. You may also call 800-522-4205 to opt out.”

Maybe in the process you might also indicate how you feel about an unexpected, and perhaps unwanted, charge such as this.

Pat Cabe
Pat & Suellen Cabe
924 Fearrington Post
924 Woodham
Pittsboro, NC  27312