Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 08:30:26 -0400
From: Jack Stevens
Subject: Moncure Lions Club – Dining For Dollars
Dining For Dollars
You’re invited to Al’s Diner for a Moncure Lions Club fundraiser.
Al’s Diner will donate 10% of their proceeds Monday night October 22 to the Moncure Lions Club to help the club’s efforts to help the community.
There are five Lions Club chapters in Chatham County serving its residents. We help the residents with eye health issues, assisting school nurses with eye screenings, and sponsoring Boy Scout troops among other things.
We will also gladly accept unused eye glasses and hearing aids for recycling to those who need them.
WHEN: Monday October 22, 2012
5 PM to 9 PM
WHERE: Al’s Diner
535 West Street
Pittsboro, NC 27312
My contact information: 919-542-0894