Boy Scout Troop 93 Plant Sale Fundraiser– Blueberries/Figs still available

Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2012 15:16:46 -0400
From: Karen
Subject: Plant Sale Fundraiser– Blueberries/Figs still available

Hello everyone,

First, I wanted to thank everyone who came out to support the fundraiser to benefit Boy Scout Troop 93 today.

Second, I wanted to let everyone know that we still have many blueberry and fig bushes still available.  AND, this is a great time of year to plant them.  Please email Malcolm Duff @ <> if you’re interested.

The figs are Brown Turkey and are $12/each.
Blueberries are $8/each or $20 for 3.
Discounts can be worked out for larger quantities.

 *Sunshine Blue*

This is a 3-foot-tall, semi-dwarf, ever-bearing bush that can be planted alone. Self pollinating, but if you have another variety for cross pollination it will do a little better. This versatile evergreen blueberry features showy hot pink flowers that fade to white in spring, yielding large crops of delicious berries. Very easy to grow. Sunshine Blue tolerates higher pH soils than many other blueberries.
*Height:* 3-4′
*Spacing:* 3-4 ft
*Depth:* plant at the same depth as in the nursery
*Spread:* 3-4′
*Sun/Shade:* Sun to partial Shade
*Pollinator:* Self pollinating, but will do slightly better with other blueberries varieties for cross pollination.
*Yield:* Medium
*Foliage:* Blue-green, burgandy fall foliage
*Blooms:* spring
*Fruit:* Medium fruit size, sweet flavor, dark blue; ripen in late June; long fruiting period.

‘Premier’ is an early season release from NCSU. Even though the canes may be too limber to support the fruit load, the bushes are vigorous and productive. Vaccinium ashei is a Southeastern U.S. species, well adapted to hot, humid summers with mild winters. Prefer, rich, moist acidic soils. Plant several varieties for good pollination. Prune out old branches & weak shoots for good fruit production.
*Height: * 6-10′
*Spread: *6-8′
*Sun/Shade:* Sun to partial Shade
*Pollinator:* Other blueberries, but not necessary; better yield with pollinators
*Yield:*  High, Avg mature yields are 8 to 16lbs. per bush
*Blooms: *Spring
*Fruit: *Light blue, sweet berries, ripening late spring-early summer, will ripen a little earlier than Columbus

Columbus is a new southern type blueberry introduced in 2005 from NC State. A high yielding, great flavored fruit, ripening a few days earlier than Powderblue. Plants are very productive, vigorous and have a semi-upright to upright growth habit.
*Height: * 6-7′
*Spread: *6′
*Sun/Shade:* Sun to partial Shade
*Pollinator:* Will do best with another variety blueberry for cross pollination
*Yield:*  High
*Blooms: *Spring
*Fruit: * Large/very large fruit. sweet taste

Thanks, again! Karen Beaton