Central Carolina Community College to offer Spanish Immersion Program

Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 16:43:48 -0400
From: Maggie Zwilling
Subject: Spanish Immersion Program.

 *Central Carolina Community College (CCCC)*<http://www.cccc.edu/continuingeducation/>is pleased to announce an innovative *Spanish Immersion  Program*<http://www.cccc.edu/ecd/schedule/schedules/fall2012/pdf/Languages.pdf>in
Chatham County this fall, believed to be the first of its kind for a community college in the state of North Carolina. Students will receive a one-week Spanish Immersion program experience. Please note that this course
is designed for individuals with some familiarity with Spanish through personal experience, high-school or college courses; it is not an introductory program for beginners.

 CCCC’s Spanish Immersion program has been designed to give an intensive and authentic experience filled with opportunities to learn the Spanish language in a practical and applicable manner for interactions at work and in the community. The program will include an optional stay with a host family, day excursions to enjoy the area while mingling with local residents. Students will apply lessons learned; have authentic meals, engaging conversations in class and among residents in various settings.

*The first Spanish Immersion program classes will begin in the fall semester, October 21 – 26*; initially a one week program taught by instructors with rich and varied experience in speaking and teaching Spanish. The team of instructors has immense knowledge and abilities to interact with students, who will emerge from the program with an enhanced skill in speaking and reading in Spanish.  The groundbreaking program is aimed to benefit professionals, students, and others interested in applying the Spanish language in their work and/or personal experiences.

*Space is limited!  Please call 919-545-8044 to secure your place in this groundbreaking program.*

Classes will be held at the Siler City Campus.

The registration fee for the class is $250.00. The host family optional  stay will cost an additional $250.00, which will include two meals per day,plus board.