I would love to see a dog park around the Pittsboro & Siler City areas

Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2012 18:36:44 -0400 (EDT)
From: Goldenhalo72
Subject: Dog Park

Hi All,

I would also LOVE to see a dog park for those of us that live in/around PBO, Siler City areas.  In the meantime, I have a great play yard at my  store for doggy play dates.  I have a few folks that come on Saturday’s for  some playtime, so anyone with people AND dog friendly pooches are more than welcome to stop in for some playtime.  If there are enough of an interest, than we can probably get a large group together most Saturdays, at least until we can get an actual dog park up and going.

Here’s my store’s info:
The Natural Pet Health Store, LLC
10536 Hwy 902
Bear Creek, NC

I’m located about 10 minutes from Siler City, Pittsboro and surrounding areas.

The Natural Pet