Baldwin, Foley, and Turner slam Pittsboro taxpayers with a 20% increase

Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2012 6:55:41 -0400
From: Whatzup
Subject: Baldwin, Foley, and Turner raising Pittsboro taxes 20% hurts working families

Baldwin, Foley, and Turner slam Pittsboro tax payers with a 20% increase

By voting to raise Pittsboro town property taxes by 20%, Board members Baldwin, Foley and Turner hurt the working families of Pittsboro.

According to data at the mean price of a home in Pittsboro is $208K.

In a tough economy where families are having a hard time making ends meet, the town has burdened the average home owner with an extra $135 tax bill this fiscal year.

My husband and I will probably not get a raise this year because of the poor economy. That means that $135 will have to come out of our current family budget. We will have to make cuts in what we spend on our family. We adults will try to shield our children from this tax increase.

$135 would be one month’s electric bill for me. That is 27 foot-long subs to split between my 2 children. That’s a $135 that I will not have to help support my family.

What could your family do with that $135?

It is sad to see three weak-kneed liberal women and their leader choose to take food out of the mouths of my children to support their so called “investments.”