Bikes for Brains raises money for raise money for the Duke Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center

Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 11:12:48 -0400
From: Lynn Webster
Subject: Bikes for Brains

On July 25, 2005 my husband, Lindo Webster, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He died just over 2 years later after extensive treatment at Duke Brain Tumor Center. My daughter, Courtney Webster and her cousin are riding bikes from Vancouver Canada to southern California (approximately 1900 miles!) to honor her dad and raise money for the Duke Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center. Since that time, sadly, I know 3 other people who have lost their lives to brain tumors. She has set up a website where you can track her trip, blog and pictures. When she returns in August, she will be presenting all the proceeds to Duke. Donations can be made on her website throughout the trip and are greatly appreciated.

Please support her effort. Every dollar counts in finding a cure for this awful disease.

Lynn Webster