Special Event Volunteers Needed at Chatham Council on Aging

Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 11:01:50 -0400
From: Megan Coggins
Subject: Special Event Volunteers Needed at Chatham Council on Aging

Are you looking for a unique volunteer opportunity? Are you a talented event planner? The Chatham County Council on Aging is in need of special event/fundraising volunteers.

We are currently in need of volunteers to help with our annual fundraiser-Taste of Chatham. There are no specific qualifications except a passion for helping others as this fundraiser helps fund the Council’s programs and services for Chatham seniors. You can give as much or little of your time-it’s up to you!

The next meeting is scheduled for May 29th at 2:00 pm. If interested, please contact Megan Coggins at (919) 542-4512 or megan.coggins@chathamcouncilonaging.org.