I need an angel for an angel

: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 01:53:34 -0400
From: stinmar1
Subject: My final request

 I have really been impressed with the responses on here over the years when I asked for angels.  My mom’s health has declined and so has mine. I am at a point I don’t know if I will be able to put angels with anyone anymore . I have a terrible stressful mess with my mom I am trying to deal with but as bad as it is I’m not asking for help for myself.

I need an angel for an angel. My daughter is the brightest little ray of sunshine there ever was . She has struggled so hard to earn scholarships and do well in school . Chelsie was on Medicaid and fell her first year at UNCG . We couldn’t get her surgery to repair her shoulder worked out before she turned 19 . Medicaid dropped her coverage at 19 . The insurance recommended by UNCG told us they would pay 80% . Chelsie had the surgery and afterwards we got letter of ( denied procedures ) so in effect the insurance paid about 28% leaving her with the remaining $10,000 in bills . This is after her surgeon cut her bill from over $9000 on his part to $695 . 

Chelsie has made the deans list , chancellors list and now she has been accepted into the UNCG school of nursing program . She has no drivers license because I cant afford to insure her . She cant hold down any sort of employment because the child studies her butt off and does what she’s supposed to do keep those scholarships and her in good standing in  the nursing program. I have collections agencies calling me at all hours of the day and night now. I just don’t have the money to pay any of it.  I need an angel to help my daughter. I’m so proud of her and Tristan I would cut my arm off to fix this for her. She has always been a joy of a child and makes everyone around her smile.

She disserves a better parent than me . I am doing all I can and I can’t fix this for her.  I need an angel for my daughter and I need someone to take my place this year at Christmas finding angels to put those that have with those that don’t.   This is my last request of you here.  I hope someone steps up to replace me and someone can help my daughter.  

Goodnite Mark