Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 10:38:35 -0500
From: Forrest Greenslade
Subject: Just for kids
Poetry and Art Just for Kids at the Joyful Jewel
Sunday March 4th from 3 to 4 PM
Pittsboro NC
Contact: Mariah Wheeler
919 883 2775
Artist, writer and speaker Dr. Forrest Greenslade ( ) will read Haiku poems from the book Haicooo: Little Poems for Children, written with his daughter Kathryn Armstrong at Pittsboro’s Joyful Jewel ( ). Haicooo was inspired by the birth of his granddaughter Nicole. Greenslade wrote the poems and Kathryn illustrated the book with charming cartoon-like animals. “This is a great way to introduce poetry and art to children,” Greenslade asserts. “We have a great time when we share these poems and pictures with kids,” adds Armstrong. “Haicooo is the first book that Nicole read.”
This father/daughter team has collaborated for years. When Forrest worked as a scientist and executive in the health care industry, Kathryn designed presentation and educational materials for him. Her first professional designs were produced at the age of 10. Greenslade is now retired from all that, and works full time as a local painter and sculptor. Armstrong works as designer and social media expert at Lehigh Valley Hospital In Allentown PA, where Nicole was born, with a bit of drama. The hospital neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) responded, and Nic is now thriving. The book of poetry for kids is dedicated to the NICU, and a portion of profits is donated to it.
In addition to presenting his little poems to kids, Greenslade will lead them in creating haiku of their own. Parents and grandparents are invited to bring their little poets and artists to the Joyful Jewel to enjoy this exciting creative experience. The Joyful Jewel is a community of over 90 artists in historic downtown Pittsboro.
For a photo of the book’s cover, visit:
Forrest C. Greenslade. PhD, DTM
Open to anything — Skeptical of everything
Artist, Writer, Speaker
Past Presdent, Chatham Artists Guild