In my five years working in foster care, I encountered many generous souls in Chatham county

: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 10:14:50 -0500
From: Rita Marley-McKenzie
Subject: Many Thanks

In my five years working in foster care, I encountered many generous souls in this county. I want to send out many thanks to everyone who has helped a foster child in some way. Several churches in the area have helped foster youth moving into their first homes with household, cleaning, and toiletry supplies. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

There are a few people/agencies/companies I want to thank by name:

Lee Pollard with Computer Therapy, Inc. — Lee has donated many computers over the past five years for teens and young adults who were in foster care. Because of this computer donation program, these youth were able to excel in high school and college. If you have upgraded and do not need your old computer or laptop, please consider donating to this wonderful program. Lee also accepts keyboards, speakers, monitors, etc..

Beth and Mark Morton with House of Israel/Kid’s Warehouse — Beth and Mark, I don’t know what we would have done without you. They receive donated furniture and household items and give them away for free to families in need. They have helped several of our former foster youth furnish their first homes. They even delivered and set up an entire apartment for a young lady early this month. If you are remodeling or just need to move out a piece or two of furniture, please give Beth a call at 542-6159. They also need bed and bath linens, kitchen supplies and more. Beth can provide a list of what items are needed the most at any given time. I know they need gas cards and monetary donations to offset the cost of delivering items, too. HOI/Kid’s Warehouse is a non-profit agency.

Kathy Hotelling with Cinderella’s Closet — Last year, for the first time ever, young ladies in foster care were able to feel like princesses. With the help of fairy godmothers, they picked out a special dress, shoes, jewelry, and purse for prom all at no cost. This was made possible by a team of people and church members from First Baptist Church in Pittsboro in conjunction with another group in Orange County. This year, the event will be held at Evergreen Church on 15-501 due to its central location for both Orange and Chatham youth. Donations of prom dresses, shoes, jewelry, and purses are greatly needed. Contact Kathy directly at for drop off locations. (For those in Siler City who would like to contribute, you can drop off items at my store at 222 E Raleigh St. 919-663-4769)

Finally, I want to thank the members of the Chatham Transition Team (WIA, VR, CCT!, Teen Court, LINKS, CCS/OCS, ASCET, JobLink) for helping to organize monthly life skills workshops for teens. Each month on the 3rd Wednesday from 6-8pm, all teens ages 13-20 are invited to a life skills workshop on various topics with guest speakers from our community. Group location alternates monthly from Siler City to Pittsboro. To all of our past speakers, my deepest appreciation goes out to you. If you are interested in being a speaker or have youth who could benefit from attending these workshops, please contact Gwen Overturf with Chatham County Together! at 919-542-5155.

Thank you again to everyone I have worked with over these past years. You have truly made a difference in the lives of youth and given them a bright and hopeful future. You truly are beautiful angels.

Rita Marley-McKenzie