Coupon swap coming up at Courtyard Coffee and Soda Shoppe in Siler City

Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 09:07:53 -0500 (GMT-05:00)
From: Denise Dunn
Subject: Coupon Swap

This Saturday, February 4th we will have a coupon swap at Courtyard Coffee and Soda Shoppe in Siler City. We meet at 9:00 a.m. Please bring any coupons you can’t use in an envelope or box.

If you are attending a coupon swap for the first time, here are some swap basics:
* Bring your coupons already cut out in an envelope.
* You don’t need to sort them by product type unless you really want to
* The group usually site in a circle and passes around the envelopes to the person to the right. Take the coupons you want out and put the rest back in to pass on to the next person.
* Once you get your envelope back, you know you have been through all the coupons.
* In really large groups, usually folks sit in groups of 5 to 8 people to swap
For more information contact Denise at

Denise Dunn
Realtor, Buyers Agent
Selling homes in the Chatham County and Surrounding Areas
919-548-3458 or 919-548-9477