I got information about the space in Pittsboro… it’s called Chatham Professional Partners

Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 09:10:54 -0500
From: J dreadpiratejeff
Subject:  it’s called Chatham Professional Partners

Thanks for the pointer RIchard, I’ll look into that.  I got information about the space in Pittsboro… it’s called Chatham Professional Partners, but as of yet, I’ve only found an e-mail address from posts in previous chatlists I was pointed to.  I tried contacting them last week but as of yet have heard no reply at all from them.  Supposedly there’s an open house in February and they “officially” open in March, but no website that I could find, and nothing really about them beyond posts here on the Chatham Chatlist.

Also, there have been at least two people who contacted me asking me to share what I found out, so here you go… There’s the space in Chapel Hill that Mr. Allen has mentioned (His post quoted above), and possibly this Chatham Professional Partners which is supposed to be located in that new office building thing on East street (the empty thing with the water tower). I DID find a Facebook page for them (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chatham-Professional-Partners/218163544931534) but that’s about it.

On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 08:08, Chatham Chatlist <chatlist@bellsouth.net>wrote:

> I am a big fan of the coworking concept. There has been word on this list
> of a business incubator starting up in Pittsboro which would include
> coworking space but I am not sure what the status of the project is. There
> is also a new coworking space in Chapel Hill I visited the other day called
> Entrepreneur’s Exchange Carolina (eecarolina.com).
> Their space is $100/month and they have a couple of vacancies at the moment.
> Richard D. Allen
> Attorney at Law
> 101 W. Main St.
> Durham, NC 27701

1 Comment

  1. I don’t know about this particular space but I am listing the Professional Building next door to the General Store Cafe for sale. This is a great old deco building with lots of history- used to be the old Pittsboro Hospital back in the 1950s and 60’s. Please visit http://www.ProfessionalBuildingat45West.com for more details or call me at 919-612-5296.

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