Pittsboro will be in good hands under the leadership of Mayor Jim Nass

Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 22:00:31 -0400
From: Whatzup
Subject: Pittsboro will be in good hands under the leadership of Mayor Jim Nass

Jim Nass is running for mayor of Pittsboro.

Jim Nass worked at the United States Postal Service in Denver, CO nights as a clerk (8 pm to 4:30 am) while putting  himself through college at the University of Denver.  After graduating in 4 years he got promoted to a job in the Denver Regional Office covering a five state area with responsibility for labor relations, employee relations, compensation, and safety.  He then transferred to district offices in California including the Los Angeles District where he was in charge of delivery, retail, and sales.

He was then promoted to USPS Headquarters in Washington, DC where he became a senior executive in charge of all delivery and retail operations in the United States with budget responsibility of over 25 Billion dollars

Pittsboro’s annual town budget is $6 million.  I think we can trust him to handle a budget with a few less zeros, don’t you?

He retired from the USPS in 1992 after 30 years of service.  He then became an independent consultant in 1993 and had the opportunity to work with such great companies such as Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, Dell, Lucent Technologies, and Lucent.

Additional information can be found at http://www.JimNass.com

If you are a Pittsboro resident please vote for a man with the experience and skills to professionally oversee a town government.

Elect Jim Nass Pittsboro Mayor.