Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 18:28:21 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tina Meeks
Subject: Temporary Sign Ordinance Exception CLOSED
We want to apologize to the handful of Pittsboro businesses that will have their off-premise directional signs enforced and asked to be removed in the next few days.
We only addressed our concerns to the Town BOC over the removal of our directional signs because we put them there at the request of our customers because it isn’t easy finding us AND because we knew you had directional signs too, many have been up for months and/or years. We knew to keep them small, have them professionally made, pick them up and put them out everyday, keep the frames neat, etc. but we were wrong. NO commercial off-premise directional sign is permitted anywhere in Town limits. These ordinances are NOW going to be enforced equally for all.
The Town of Pittsboro Planning Board will meet again in January 2012 to discuss the sign ordinances again;no exceptions were made this evening. With our business being on a back road, not heavily traveled, our business is going to greatly suffer without the signs. It is time for us to revisit the idea of becoming a brick-and-mortar business.
Not just a stand alone coffee shop, but partner with another business that could use our business model to draw in more customers to their eatery or store. With this, we can also add the other items we have in mind. If this interests you, let’s talk.
To our customers: From this point forward, we will have to rely on word-of-mouth, Facebook, Twitter, BBS, Chatlist, and any other source we can to let folks know where we are. We are on the back road behind the Fire Department near the ABC store Monday thru Friday from 7 am ’til 4 pm. Our schedule is also on our website.
Again, we are deeply sorry. Thank you everyone for your support and understanding as we get through another bump in the road.
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