Coyotes are a growing problem in Fearrington

Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 12:41:29 -0400
From: Kim Werfel
Subject: Coyotes

In reference to the Coyote posts….

I live in Fearrington and my neighbors and I have seen and heard the coyotes here regularly now.  There seems to be a pack that can be heard howling in the dusk and evening….we’re all very cautious walking our dogs at night.

Yesterday I saw a large male that seems to have been injured trotting holding his left hind leg, yet unafraid of me out in broad daylight.

Animal control has refused to come.  Not sure how to handle the growing problem.

I love and paint the wildlife here, yet don’t want to put our pets in danger.

Kim Werfel

Kim Werfel Portraits & Fine Art