Twas the morning still early…

Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 13:26:54 +0000
From: Virginia Mary Jacks
Subject: Twas the morning…

Twas the morning still early, when I left the house
All the critters was fed up, perhaps even the mouse.
The buckets were hung in the barn with care,
In hopes at evening chores they would again be there.

The doggies were snoring all snug in their beds,
While visions of deer bones danced in their heads.
I dashed out the door as I put on a cap,
To settle the brain and keep out the crap.
So off for errands, the grass still wet with dew,
I sprang into action with my list To-do.
Away I flew with a return bag in my hands,
I tore down the road as I went over the plans.

The morning sun cresting over, as I arrived at the store.
Gave the luster of a halo like never before.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
As I got to the return desk and heard in my right ear?

With a little plastic red cart, so wiggly and slick,
I thought for a moment it must be a trick.
More rapid than eagles her course was so plain,
She whistled, and loaded them, and called them by name!

“Now lets go my sweet doggies! On, Babies! Come!
I looked her in the face, she was not dumb.
To the top of her ears, her face just a grinnin!

She said come babies, let’s show’em whose winnin!!

Dry as a bone the clerks stood, as she ignored passing the signs by,
She met with no obstacle, nor pies in the sky.
So boldly off on her shopping course she flew,
With the cart full of big white dog, another on leash too!

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the ear
The woofing and pawing of each little dear.
As I thought in my head, and was turning around,
I had to hold back a laugh, by trying to frown.

She was dressed in sweats, the dogs had long fur,
Her clothes were all comfy nothing to bother her .
A leash in her right hand, close to her knee,
And the other dog in the cart was trying to see.

Her eyes-how they twinkled! her smile was merry!
Her cheeks were like roses, just plain cheery!
Her little baseball cap pushed down snug on her head,
Helped mask the big grin, as she pushed the cart ahead.

She was cheerfully defiant, a right jolly oneself,
And I laughed when I saw her in spite of myself!
A twinkle of her eye and a twist of her head,
Soon gave me to know she had nothing to dread.

She spoke not a word, but went straight off to her work,
 Filled her cart, without the help or comments from any jerk.
Then touching the side of her nose, she looked at her dogs and said,
  “We are done here now, let’s go home and getcha fed.”
Then she sprang with her cart, to her doggies did whistle,
And through the checkout they flew, like the down of a thistle.
 I heard not an unpleasant word, as I drove off on my way,
 but ” Thanks for shopping at Lowe’s, and have a nice day!”