Pittsboro Elementary 2nd Annual Holiday Art & Craft Fair on November 19

Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2011 21:18:05 -0400
From: PaulaRex Wade Wade
Subject: Pittsboro Elementary 2nd Annual Holiday Art & Craft Fair

Pittsboro Elementary is having it’s 2nd Annual Holiday Art & Craft Fair on November 19th from 9 am until 3 pm. 

There will be Holiday and handcrafted items for sale as well as hot pizza, bake sale and a raffle.  We will have a Create-A-Craft for $2 or four cans of food for the food drive.  We are currently seeking vendors; if you’re interested or know someone who is, visit Pittsboro Elementary, www.pittsboropta.com, PES PTA on facebook or I’ll be happy to send an application to you. 

I’m Paula Wade at rexandpaula@gmail.com.  Hope you can join us and get ahead on Holiday shopping this season.