The Sweet and Low solution to taking the fire out of the fire ants

Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2011 10:16:20 +0000
From: Virginia Mary Jacks
Subject: Sweet and Low

Yikes!  Mr. Dykes….looks like we stirred up an ant bed.  I support your simple “sweet and low” comments. I say, fight fire with fire and that cute pink wrapped stuff is nasty!  Love the simple strategies and ice cream made from just organic cream, sugar, some free range eggs and vanilla.
Good to see more comments are coming from those who did not attend the seminar “Taking the Fire out of Fire Ants”, but have opinions.  It is unfortunate, however, but I did suggest to Vladimir, the Rooster, he go himself to the meeting; but no one could read his chicken scratch writin’ anyway to sign up.  Besides he don’t take kindly to folk who don’t take’m seriously.  You see, he fought off a hawk once and he ain’t never been the same since.  And eatin those fire ants is no amusement, just puts more fire in his pants.  He ain’t worried about bein’ off production or having to take a chemical to support such.  He knows his limit.  When chickens are left to free range naturally they set their own limits.  But a little fire in the throat never hurtcha anyway.  Ever taken a pinch of red cayenne pepper and thrown it in the back of your mouth for a sore throat?  Well, your eyes will bulge and you’ll fight to grab the phone to call 911 while you’re a coughin’, reachin’ for a glass of water.  At that moment you’ll think a cow is holy; but I just be darn if it won’t cure the problem. 
By the way Mr. Dykes we have had some very generous help from Mr. Al Cooke.  He’s like a walking encyclopedia identifying plants that are safe for goats to forage if you decide to try raising goats again.  And goat milk makes some awesome, sweet ice cream… naturally!

Virginia Mary JacKs