Lion’s Club Plant Sale fundraiser on October 1

Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 11:42:54 -0400
From: Karen
Subject: Don’t forget the Plant Sale fundraiser THIS SATURDAY


I wanted to remind everyone of the Lion’s Club is sponsoring its 2nd Annual Plant Sale to benefit our local Boy Scout Troop 93 THIS Saturday.

Here are the details:
When:  Saturday, October 1st from 9:00am until mid-afternoon
Where:  Harold Boone Boy Scout Hut (located west of the Pittsboro Circle on Business 64 just past Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) on the right, or just folllow the signs!)

It’s that time of year!  Fall is a great time to put new plants in the ground (particularly shrubs, trees and perennials).  You might be wondering where you can get some reasonably priced plants while helping a worthwhile organization.  Well, here’s your opportunity.  There will even be baked goods available, so you or your children can snack while you shop!

A small sampling of plants expected to be available:**
Trees-  Japanese Maple, Oak, Pine
Plants-  Gardenia, Lily, Day Lilies, Iris, Hellebores, Roses, Butterfly
Bushes, Hostas, grasses, Red Hot Pokers, Baptisia Australis, Peonies
Fruits- Blueberries, Raspberries, Fig

Prices start at $1!!  You’re sure to find something that would look lovely in your garden and get a good deal in the process.

Even if you’re not in the market for plants right now, come on out and draw on the knowledge of our plant experts!

We look forward to seeing you there!  Feel free to email Malcolm at with any questions or specific plant requests.
