Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 06:19:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jenny Prater <>
Subject: my two cents
Hi Chatlisters,
I agree with Scott Mace and dreadpiratejeff. Just because YOU think your pet is part of your family doesn’t mean you should force your un-ending togetherness onto people at public places like Lowes.
But I also agree with Sheila Holland in that there are some kids who can be unruly or rude in public. So just like the dog who growled at a child at some Lowes store somewhere, unruly kids should be banned from the stores. Well, kids are not the same as pets. We can’t ban them from stores just because their parents are lazy idiots who
allow them to get away with stuff (“oh kids will be kids!” la de da). Parents should (and I use the word “should” carefully) take more responsibility for their kids and teach them how to act appropriately. Believe me I know how hard it can be. My two kids are not the best behaved but I really do my best.
Now, back to my main point, kids and pets do not compare. Just because you think your pet is your “child” doesn’t mean you can bring it with you everywhere. So stop complaining about the ban and leave your PET at home.
I spent 20 years serving to have the freedom to enjoy life, this means my dog as well. She is better behaved than most kids who should be on a leash. That same freedom belongs to Lowes to have this stupid ban. Just means I get my materials in a different location. In the past I never had any problem at my local Lowes and many employees knew my dog and enjoyed her visit. Last I checked she never had a bad thing to say about any human she meet, You should learn from her example.