Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 06:29:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: SilkHope Ruritan, DavidHobson
Subject: Fw: Sept 2-4, 2011 – Silk Hope Ruritan’s 36th Annual Old Fashioned Farmers Day
Silk Hope Ruritan Club’s 36th Annual Old Fashioned Farmers Day is coming up this weekend, Sept 2-4, 2011 (Friday night through Sunday night)!! (Not on Monday, Labor Day – we clean up then so folks can go back to work on Tuesday!)
Go to for more information.
Friday5:00 pm – Gates open at the Ruritan Arena, food and drink available.
7:00 pm – Antique Tractor Pull Admission $5 per Person, children under 6 FREE!
9:00 am – Farm Heritage Park opens to the public – Admission $7.00/person, children under 6 FREE!
Grand Opening Session – Welcome, Invocation, National Anthem and Flag raising by Boy Scout Troop 911 plus special presentation.
Enjoy the events, exhibits, demonstrations, entertainment, vendors, food, homemade ice cream throughout the day!
See farming and household operations from years ago, steam equipment in operation including machines that made the Kennedy rocker, a loom in the cabin, cured tobacco next door, a new antique tool exhibit in the Music Barn, buy a bag of stone-ground corn meal at the grist mill, antique cars and tractors, etc.
5:00 pm – Gates open at the Ruritan Arena for the 6:30 pm Motocross Jumping and Arena Show- ADDITIONAL ADMISSION of $10.00 per person – children under 6 are FREE.
9:00 am – Farm Heritage Parkopens to the public – Admission $7.00/person, children under 6 FREE!
Admission for Extreme Cowboy Race – $5.00
Combo Package – $10.00 for both.
Sunday morning church service coordinated by Joy Baptist Church in the Barn.
Enjoy the events, exhibits, demonstrations, entertainment, vendors, food, homemade ice cream throughout the day!
1:00 pm – Parade of Power through the Fairgrounds led by the 2011 Dodge Raffle Pickup.
1:30 pm – Gates open at the Ruritan Arena for the 2:00 pm Extreme Cowboy Race-
Admission $5.00 or only $3.00 with your Sunday fairground armband – Children under 6 are FREE!
Sunday afternoon gospel singing in the Barn featuring The Carolinians and The Harvesters.
7:00 pm – Raffle Drawings and Announcement of Winners in the
8:00 pm – The Farm Heritage Park Closes to the Public.
David K. Hobson
Silk Hope Ruritan Club Past President (2010)