Chatham Recycling Center Suggestion and Pet Peeve

Date: Mon, 08 Aug 2011 09:58:48 -0400
From: Tamara
Subject: Chatham Recycling Center Suggestion/Pet Peeve

First I’d like to say thanks for posting the information below regarding the recycling centers of Chatham County.

Second, I’d like to repeat a suggestion that I made to the centers some time ago, as others might feel the same.

I recycle all my plastics, cans, bottles and mixed paper, and often bring it in plastic shopping bags.   I try to remember to use my cloth reusable shopping bags when I shop, but that doesn’t always happen, and I end up with a supply of plastic at times.  What irks me is that there is then no receptacle available to recycle the plastic shopping bag in at the centers!  When I asked about this before, I was told that although there is not a place at the centers to do this, that I could take my plastic bags to the recycling container in front of Food Lion and various other stores. 

That seems silly to me.  It’s a RECYCLING CENTER.  How hard would it be to place one more receptacle there for everyone to recycle their plastic shopping bags! Why would I want to drive somewhere else to make one more stop to recycle sticky used plastic bags?  What usually happens is that they get thrown in the trash, which misses the whole point.

Maybe if enough people agree and suggest it, this could be implemented.
