Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2011 08:16:24 -0400
From: Elizabeth Morris
Subject: Have You Taken a Look at the Chatham County Public Health Department’s Blog Lately?
~What’s the best way to keep ticks out of my yard?
~What should I look for in order to find the most effective sunscreen?
~When should my child get their Hepatitis B vaccinations?
~What healthy and delicious meal should I cook tonight?
Check out the Chatham County Public Health Department’s blog at for answers to all of these questions, and to stay current with important local and national health news and Chatham County Health Department services and projects.
To make sure you never miss a beat, subscribe to the Chatham County Public Health Department’s blog by going to and typing your e-mail address in the box under the Subscribe2 heading in the center column. You will receive e-mail alerts when new posts go up, but
your e-mail address will not be used by the Chatham County Public Health Department in any other way.
With questions about the Chatham County Public Health Department’s blog, or to suggest topics for future posts, send an e-mail to
We’ve moved- please note my new address, phone number, and fax number.
Ellie Morris, MPH
School Health Liaison
Chatham County Public Health Department
PO Box 130
80 East Street
Pittsboro, NC 27312
Office: 919-545-8443
Fax: 919-542-8448