Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 11:05:50 -0400
From: Meg Miller
Subject: fryer oil and scholarships

Does anyone buy used fryer oil?  I’ve heard it goes for $1 to $1.50 or more a gallon.  Starting in August I will have about 30 gallons a month if anyone out there is interested.  I used to give it away but with two in college, I’m counting every dime.

And while I mention that.  SENIORS in high school need to get their fannies to the guidance office (Northwood is the only one I know) and get a list of the scholarships offered. There is a list on the website but you pick up forms in the guidance office.  Start filling them out NOW, in the summer when you have time on your hands.  My two kids, who are average students, got close to $10,000 between them in local scholarships.  $1000 here/ $1000 there adds up.  There is so much money out there, there’s no reason a kid can’t go to college or community college b/c they can’t afford it.  It’s just takes a little time and effort.

Thanks to all the local folks who make these scholarships available….The Arthur’s, Kiwanis, churches etc., SECU.

Remember you state employees, EVERY HIGH SCHOOL gives away a $10,000 SECU scholarship and it’s NOT NEED BASED. ($2500 a year paid directly to the school)

There are a dozen others offered just to Chatham Co. kids.  Don’t drag your feet b/c there are deadlines and some need to get letters of recommendation.  Most ask for an essay, but they aren’t looking for the next Mark Twain, they just want to know what your plans are.  Write something and let your English teacher check it over before you turn it in.  So yes, there is some time involved but when the return is $500/hr, I’d say it’s worth it.

See Janet Hillard at Northwood guidance offices.  If it wasn’t for her, we would have never known about this.  She’s knows everything there is to know about helping kids (she should be a counselor, imo)

Good luck,