Northwood Little League Baseball Camp

Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2011 03:20:49 +0000
From:”Lynn Scott
Subject: Little League Baseball Camp—Fun for all!!

What:  Little League Baseball Camp

Where: Northwood High School Baseball Complex

Who: Baseball players 1st grade to 8th grade

When: Monday, June 27 – Thursday, June 30

Hours: 8:30am – 12:00pm

Rain Date: July 1

Staff:  Rick Parks – Head Varsity Coach – 5th year at Northwood
Brian Brice – Varsity Assistant Coach (1st) Head Legion Coach (1st)
Pete Saulsbury – JV Head Coach (1st) and Junior Legion Coach (3rd)
Corey Saulsbury – JR legion assistant coaches – Greensboro College
Lyle Donaldson – Jr Legion assistant – Greensboro College
Grier Harrington – Legion assistant coach – UNC-Asheville Alumni
Woods Fines – Volunteer Assistant – signed with Tampa Bay Rays
**Staff may also include but is not limited to current college and Legion players from area**

Pre-Registration Cost $90
Same day registration $100
(cost includes a t-shirt)

**Pre-Registration by June 20th**
Contact: Rick Parks
Northwood High School
310 NHS Road.
Pittsboro, NC 27312