Misleading information is one more reason the public should keep a close eye on the Chatham County School Administraion

Date: Fri, 13 May 2011 16:37:13 -0400 (EDT)
From: Daniel & Rhonda Sundberg
Subject: Misleading information

This is just one more reason I hope the public will keep a close eye on the Chatham County School Administraion. After months of arguing that the budget cuts in the schools adhere to the BOE stated goals of making the cuts as far from the classroom as possible and achieving a mere 8.58 cuts to the central office I saw the position below being advertised for the central office administration.

Was anyone aware of this job being added to central office administration? It would make the effective cuts from Central Office Administration .58 employees for a total cut of 7.58 Central Office Employees not the meager 8.58 shown in scenario 9C approved by the BOE. I see this as misleading at best.

Its like having the prices raised at the store the day the 20% off sale starts. At one point the cuts to the central office were proposed to be 11.58 employees. But slowly but surely they were added back scenario by scenario. This added back over $380,000.00 that could have paid for middle school Spanish or other teching positions that are now being cut.

This is the job opening  listed for the CCS which was not told about:

Senior Network and Systems Administrator     Administrative Office     Non-Instructional Personnel     03/02/2011

1 Comment

  1. hopefully the BOE is looking at this Superintendants priorities and weighing his decisions, He needs to be responsible to them and the taxpayers, now is not the time for top heavy administrations

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