Exceptional Parent Story Contest winner

Date: Wed, 11 May 2011 15:08:48 -0700 (PDT)
From: Holly Rickman
Subject: Exceptional Parent Story Contest………And we have a winner!!

Project Proud Families would like to congratulate Angela Glover for winning our story that was put on to create awareness about all the extra challenges that  families face in our community when they have a child with “different  abilities”. We also believe that regardless of their age they are someone’s  child. Angela was nominated by her friend Amy Bulbrook.

Amy sent in a very heartwarming story saying that Angela was a mom to a son with Autism. She has an at-home business so she can be available 24/7. She makes sure that her son experiences lots of new things and plays with a variety of children; she also explores every option she can to ensure he is as healthy as he can be both mentally and physically. Angela gives her son her devotion, attention, and patience. When other parents may set limits on their children, Angela believes her son is more than capable of acheiving whatever he sets out to do.

The interesting part was when I called Angela and she was very humble and overwhelmed by the nomination. She insisted that she felt Amy was more deserving. She then sent me Amy’s story telling me why. She said……..Amy is the one I admire and respect for all she has accomplished with her three children. I always think to myself, “How does she do it”. A full time job and 3 children. She is the woman who I always went to for guidance and knowledge. She has directed me to doctors, therapies, camps, schools, and the list goes on. I’m asking her for advice and she always has an answer for me.

Without her guidance and knowledge I would have been lost. I only moved to NC 3 years ago from NY and did not know the lay of the land. Amy immediately befriended me and we had play dates that led to our sons having sleepovers at each other houses. Something I would have done with any other family. She even goes out of her way to make sure my son has his special gluten/caein free foods at her home.

She introduced me to an amazing group of woman who we call “Special Mommas”. She and another great Mom Krisitina organize dinners once a month so we can exchange ideas, problems, and just vent about our unique situations.

It is a great feeling to know that I am loved and serve a purpose on this earth.

Amy, YOU are an amazing friend, mother and loving Christian. I feel you deserve this more than I. I just wish I was the one who discovered this contest before you did. You are the real winner. I love you my friend.

To all the mothers of Special Needs children, God bless you and Happy Mother’s Day. (Angela Glover)

I hope you all were able to learn, enjoy this heartfelt experience as I did, and know more how to support those that need to feel that hand of compassion and love and not pity. We are in a new age. We need to focus on our similarities as they far outnumber our differences.

God bless you all and contact me if you need support, referrals, education.
(742-5525 or Holly@projectproud.org)
Holly Rickman/Director of Services.