Stewartia malacodendron blooms in Chatham

Date: Tue, 10 May 2011 16:52:04 -0400
From: nabooko
Subject: Stewartia malacodendron blooms in Chatham – Again!

Again, for the third year in a row, Stewartia malacodendron has bloomed in my Chatham County garden. Also known as Silky Camellia – it is not a camellia at all.  Considered quite rare in these parts, because it is a ‘prima donna’ when it comes to cultivation.  I have it planted near a light pink “Knock-out” rose- they go together beautifully.

I have tried maybe 15 plants over the past 35 years and at last, one has found the location to meet the fussy standards it demands.

My plant is now about 12 years old and about six feet tall and maybe 5 feet wide.  It grows in part sun/part shade. I try and never let the soil dry out. It really had a lot of blooms this year.  I did use a little liquid plant food a few weeks ago.

The plant will root from cuttings, but the plants produced from cuttings seldom live past two years. The plant I have was grown from a FRESH Seed.
The seeds are few and far between and must be planted before they dry out- they sometimes dry out faster than you would imagine.

Once again, I am trying to get some of these plants going.  I would at least like to have a standby plant in case something happens to this beauty.

N.A. Booko

Click on the web link below to see pics.


1 Comment

  1. This tree is beautiful. Where did you buy your tree? Thanks.


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