Randy Voller feels Chatham voters incapable of voting in a timely manner

Date: Thu, 5 May 2011 14:38:48 -0400
From: Randolph Voller
Subject: Chatham County Democratic Party calls to protect early voting and local control

Mimi Bryant Pollard addressed the Chatham County Board of Commissioners on behalf of the Chatham County Democratic Party and the citizens of Chatham County Monday evening to request that the County Commissioners adopt a resolution opposing efforts in the North Carolina State Legislature to change early voting time frames and access in the State of North Carolina.

Ms. Pollard provided a draft resolution to the board for consideration and review. Current Board Chair Brian Bock (R) was not supportive of the resolution. Former Board Chair Sally Kost (D) argued for its importance and Commissioner Mike Cross (D) felt that our system in Chatham County was fine and did not need to be changed by the legislature. Partisans in the crowd including Republican activist Heather Johnson were unmoved by Ms. Pollard’s pleas for fair voter access participation. Ms. Pollard felt early voting provided the best opportunity to involve all members of the community in the democratic process including young people and the working poor. After discussion the board of commissioners agreed to take up the resolution for a vote at their first meeting in June. Chairman Bock relented, but was clear that he did not support the resolution. Ms. Pollard then submitted the resolution (see below) to the clerk, Sandra Sublett.

*Resolution opposing state legislative efforts to shorten Early Voting*

WHEREAS, a bill before the North Carolina General Assembly seeks to shorten (by a week) the early voting period and do away with same-day registration and same-day voting; and

WHEREAS, Chatham County voters of all party affiliations have come to rely upon early voting and have enthusiastically responded to the three-week early voting period by voting at all three Early Voting sites (Pittsboro, North Chatham and Siler City); and

WHEREAS, during the 2008 general election, approximately 22,000 out of 33,000 total voters, or 66%, were cast at the county’s three early voting sites and even during the 2008 primary, approximately 57% of the votes were cast at early voting sites; and

WHEREAS, during the 2010 non-presidential, non-gubernatorial general election, 11,697 voters were cast at early voting sites compared to the total of 24,743 votes;

WHEREAS, because, approximately 60% of workers commute out of Chatham County every weekday for employment, early voting has provided a convenient method to dramatically increase voting among those residents; and

WHEREAS, early voting allows residents who travel frequently in their jobs or others wanting to avoid missing Election Day due to an emergency to be assured they can vote; and

WHEREAS, same day registration assisted in allowing college students and young people to register and vote for the first time in 2008, greatly helping turnout and promoting increased civic participation of our future
leaders; and

WHEREAS, early voting allows the Board of Elections staff the time to resolve difficult questions about registration and residency during the early voting period without having to deal with these issues on a hectic
election day when they are understaffed and overburdened with other complicated and contested issues; and

WHEREAS, allowing voting to spread out over this early voting period helps prevent partisan conflict and potential violence outside the polling stations on Election Day; and

WHEREAS, early voting helps eliminate long lines on Election Day and prevents the possibility that such lines will discourage would be voters;

WHEREAS, both the Chatham County Democratic and Republican Parties have benefitted by utilizing Early Voting to increase their voter turnout; and

WHEREAS, Chatham County has seen no evidence of fraud due to early voting or same day registration; and

WHEREAS, encouraging expanded voter participation in an efficient and effective manner such as early voting and same day registration provides should be a high priority of state and county government;


1. The Chatham County Commissioners urges the leadership of the North
Carolina General Assembly not to approve any legislation that would reduce
each county’s ability to decide for themselves whether to conduct early
voting for the full three weeks currently available or less, decide the
number, hours of operation and location of early voting sites it will
utilize during any primary or general elections, or limit the availability
of same day registration.

*”Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.
The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they
oppress.” *Frederick Douglass