Updates from the Chatham County Republican Women

Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 17:56:01 -0400
From: Chatham County Republican Women
Subject: Updates from the Chatham County Republican Women

We hope you can join us for the next meeting of the Chatham County Republican Women.  It will be at Virlie’s on Thursday, April 28th.  We will meet for dinner at 6pm, if you would like to join us, and the meeting will start at 7pm.  Please come and bring a friend or two!

We have already been busy in 2011, and we have other activities coming up soon where we need your help.  Listed below are a few highlights:

   – On March 22nd, the Chatham County Republican Women hosted Congresswoman Renee Ellmers in an event that was open to the entire community.  We had a great turn out.  The Congresswoman met with citizens and provided an update on the current situation in Washington.

   – Also, at the March 22nd meeting, our club was presented with its charter from the National Federation of Republican Women.

   – We completed our first community service project, which was the shoe drive for the children in Chatham County Schools.  It was a success!    Through our efforts, 89 pairs are shoes were donated to the school system.    We also donated food to CORA that was collected at the March 22nd meeting.

   – The Chatham County Republican Women will be partnering with the Chatham County GOP to participate in the two Relay for Life events being held in our    county.  The first will be in Siler City on May 6th.  The second in    Pittsboro on May 20th-21st.  We have already completed two fundraisers for    these events.  The first was through a bake sale held during the March 22nd    meeting.  The second was through a raffle of Easter baskets at the monthly    Chatham GOP meeting.  If you would like to donate or participate in the    Relay for Life event, contact Candace Steele (ckingsteele@gmail.com).

   – Please remember that our recently elected Commissioners always need our    support.  During the campaign, Brian, Walter, and Pam campaigned on    overturning the ICE resolution that was passed by the former board.  While    the resolution passed by the former board did not materially change the way    our law enforcement functioned, it did send a loud message that Chatham was    a sanctuary county.  This needs to be corrected.  Our Commissioners are    keeping their campaign promise and will soon be voting on a resolution that    states our law enforcement should uphold all laws, including those related    to immigration.  We need you to communicate your support of the new    resolution to *ALL* of the Commissioners either via email or during the    public input session of the regular Board of Commissioner meetings.   
Remember, during public input sessions, you can comment on any item not on    the agenda.  If you would like to email the Commissioners, here are their    addresses:Brian Bock (Chair) brian.bock@chathamnc.org    Walter Petty (Vice Chair) walter.petty@chathamnc.org    Mike Cross mike.cross@chathamnc.org    Sally Kost sally.kost@chathamnc.org    Pam Stewart pam.stewart@chathamnc.org

Thanks for all of your support and efforts on these activities.  We look forward to seeing you for our next meeting at Virlie’s on April 28th.